Virtual Rocket City Marathon

Virtual Half to Rocket City Marathon


Since you can’t come to the rocket this year, we are sending the rocket to you.

Virtual Rules for those who like simple rules:

1) Must be completed by December 15

2) Start your watch

3) Run/walk 26.2 miles (or 13.1 for the half)

4) Stop your watch

5) Send your result to rcmmanager@gmail.org.

6) We will send you a registration shirt and race medal. Marathon and Half Marathon runners will receive a FINISHERS gift.


Q: When can I run the Virtual Rocket City Marathon or Virtual Half the Rocket City Marathon?

A: Anytime before 12/16.

Q: Can I stop my watch and take a break and resume my virtual race later, possibly even the next day?

A: No. Once you start your watch you must keep it running until you cover the appropriate distance. Since there are no time limits this year, you can take as many hours (days?) as you’d like, provided your watch battery lasts that long.

Q: What if I don’t like my time?

A: Yes, you may try as many times as you’d like but only submit one time…and it’s not a competition. You won’t win a prize for being “fast” or be DQ’d for being “slow”.

Q: Can I still run through the Space & Rocket Center and/or Botanical Gardens?

A: No.

Q: If I don’t complete the virtual marathon or half-marathon by December 13, will I still get my registration shirt, comic and finisher medal?

A: No. Unfortunately, this is the one firm rule that we will honor. Please complete your race and submit your results by December 13 so we can mail your items to you in a timely manner.

Q: When will I receive my shirt, comic, and medal?

A: We anticipate mailing these as soon as we get results so we can be DONE with this year’s race and start planning next year’s race!

Q: Will the 2022 Rocket City Marathon also be virtual?

A: We will likely keep the virtual option from now on, although we have very special plans for 2022 so we h0pe you won’t miss it!

Q: When will registration open for the 2022 Rocket City Marathon/Half?

A: Registration for the 2022 Rocket City Race Weekend will open on Valentine’s Day…notice the wording there… :D